
Programming by Stealth

A blog and podcast series by Bart Busschots & Allison Sheridan.

PBS 99 of X — Building with Classes Part 2: Is-A

In this instalment we’re wrapping up our third look at Object Oriented (OO) programming in JavaScript. In the previous instalment we introduced the idea that defining relationships between classes allows for the construction of object oriented code for representing complex concepts and things in our code. If a class represents a concept or thing, then a collection of related classes can represent a collection of related concepts and things. As mentioned in the previous instalments, there are two ways in which classes can be related to each other. The simplest by far is the so-called has-a relationship. This is simply the situation where instances of one class have instances of another as data attributes. This instalment is dedicated to the second type of relationship, the so-called is-a relationship, the mechanism for which is the OO concept of class inheritance. Using inheritance we can build hierarchies of classes, and in so doing, remove a lot of duplication, and make our code easier to write and maintain, and easier to build on. Inheritance really is at the very heart of good object oriented design.

We’re also going to meet a very misunderstood word — polymorphism. This is one of those words that sounds way more complicated than it actually is.

The previous instalment was built around a worked example, this one will be the same. In fact, we will be building on the example from the previous instalment.

Instalment Resources

This instalment uses 3 example files:

Matching Podcast Episode

Listen along to this instalment on episode 643 of the Chit Chat Across the Pond Podcast.

You can also Download the MP3

Class Inheritance

Imagine you were writing a class to represent the people in a company. You would have managers and workers. As you started to implement these two classes you’d soon realise that while there are many differences, for example, managers have people reporting to them, workers don’t, there are also many similarities. Like workers and managers have names, genders, ages, and so on.

By this stage in the series I hope you can recognise the kind of code duplication that implementing these two classes separately would require as being a so-called bad smell. Code duplication should always be a signal to stop and think — am I doing this right?

The root cause of this code duplication is that both managers and workers can be described in terms of a more generic concept — they are both people!

The solution to this code duplication is to start by creating a class that captures everything managers and workers have in common, and then to build two new classes that inherit everything from the first, and only implement the things that are unique to managers and workers.

The mechanism for importing the functionality from one class into another is inheritance. In this case the manager and worker classes would inherit from the person class.

Class Hierarchies and Inheritance Jargon

While it would be entirely correct to say that one class inherits from another, for example, our hypothetical manager and worker classes would inherit from our person class, you’ll hardly ever hear inheritance described like that. What you’ll tend to hear instead is developers describing one class as extending another. The reason for this is quite simple, the keyword for implementing inheritance in many languages (including JavaScript) is extends. In our hypothetical example you could say that the manager and worker classes extend the person class.

Another source of much inheritance-related jargon is the implicit hierarchy inheritance creates. The very term inheritance sets up a family-tree-like mental model, and developers have absolutely run with that concept.

A class that is inherited from is often referred to as a parent class, and the classes that inherit from another are often referred to as child classes. In the past the terms super class and sub class were also popular, but they have fallen out of favour. Some hints of this older convention do remain in many language though, with super being a commonly used keyword.

With the exception of a few more exotic languages, classes can only inherit from one other class, but there is no limit on how many classes can inherit from any give class. It’s also important to understand that a class that inherits from another can itself be inherited from, so inheritance can be nested. Going back to our hypothetical manager and worker example — both managers and workers are employees, and employee’s next-of-kin are also people, so we could expand our hypothetical model to one where we have a class representing any person. That class would then be extended to create employee and next-of-kin classes. The employee class would then be extended to create manager and worker classes.

As you can see, we are starting to build a tree-like structure with ever expanding nested branches spreading out from a single root. This structure is often referred to as an inheritance tree or a class hierarchy.

The is-a Relationship

Every link in an inheritance tree is an is-a relationship. So, we can say that a manager is an employee, and an employee is a person. However, we can merge connected links in the tree together, and we can also say that a manager is a person. So, there exists a direct or indirect is-a relationship between a class and every class between it and the root of the inheritance tree.

What Inheritance Gives Us

A parent class can provide some or all of the following for its child classes:

  1. Implementation of shared functionality (data attributes & functions).
  2. Default implementations of functionality that can be inherited as-is, or expanded on by child classes (functions).
  3. Define functionality child classes must provide.

Before we look in more detail at how inheritance achieves these three goals, let’s give ourselves a mental model for how to think about inheritance.

Our journey towards OO started with the concept of encapsulation — a single object containing both data and the functions to manipulate that data. We learned that classes can be used to stamp out lots of similar encapsulated objects. Mentally, you can imagine the constructor building the encapsulated object by adding data, and copying all the instance functions defined in the class into the object. The end result is an encapsulated object with data and functions.

The same model holds true with inheritance, but you should imagine a production line of constructors each adding their pieces of data and copying in their functions. This process does not start with the child class, but with the parent class at the very top of the hierarchy. If class C extends class B which extends class A, and you call the constructor for class C, that’s actually the last constructor to get called! The first constructor to add data and functions will be the constructor for A, then the constructor for B, and only then does the constructor you directly called get to do its thing!

This ordering is very important, because it explains what happens when there is a conflict. If classes A, B, and C all provide an instance function named .d() that each do something different, which .d() ends up in the final encapsulated object output by the constructor? Simply put — the last constructor to execute wins!

When a child class replaces functionality provided by a parent class it is said to override the parent class’s functionality.

With this mental model in mind you can see how a parent class can provide shared functionality — it simply defines functions and data attributes that the child classes do not override.

You can also see how default functionality can be provided — if a parent class implements a function that some of the child classes choose to override but others don’t then the functionality in the parent class can best be described as default functionality!

You might imagine that in this case, you as a programmer have to decide whether to eat your cake or have it — do you take the functionality from your parent class, or do you implement your own? In most OO programming languages that’s not actually a choice you have to make! While the mechanism varies from language to language, there is generally a mechanism for accessing the original version of an overridden function from within a child class. Many languages (including JavaScript) implement this by using the super keyword for this.

The final feature provided by inheritance is the ability to set constraints, to specify that every child class must implement a given instance of class functions. Languages vary widely in their support for this feature, some have very rigid enforcement, usually with the keyword abstract, and some have no actual enforcement all, relying on agreed convention or creative hackery instead. Sadly, JavaScript falls into the latter category 🙁

Inheritance in JavaScript

For the most part inheritance in JavaScript ES6 and beyond is very straightforward and works pretty much as you would expect. The one glaring shortcoming being the complete lack of support for specifying constraints on child classes. There is a work-around, but it’s a little kludgy!

The extends Keyword

Inheritance is specified when declaring a class. You simply use the extends keyword to specify the class you wish to inherit from:

class UberString extends String{
	// …

The declaration above defines a new class UberString which will inherit from the built-in class String.

The super Keyword

We’ve already seen that within classes the keyword this is used in three ways:

  1. Within the constructor it references the instance object under construction.
  2. Within a class function it represents the class I belong to.
  3. Within an instance function it represents the instance I belong to.

JavaScript uses the keyword super in very similar ways, but instead of providing access to a sensible self, it provides access to a sensible parent.

The super keyword has three different meanings depending on context:

  1. Within a child class’s constructor, super() is used to execute the parent class’s constructor. There are some important subtleties in how this works, so put a pin in this for a few minutes!
  2. Within the child class’s class functions super is a reference to the parent class, providing access to all the class functions and class data attributes the parent class defines, regardless of whether or not the child class chooses to override them.
  3. Within the child class’s instance functions super refers to the instance itself, but as it was before it overrode any instance functions provided by the parent class. This sounds a little strange, but it acts as a mechanism for bypassing function overriding.

The super Keyword Within Constructors

Let’s return to the subtleties of using the super() keyword within constructors.

Within a child class’s constructor, super() is a reference to the parent class’s constructor. You call it like a function, and can pass it any arguments you wish.

There are, however, two important rules when it comes to using super() within constructors. Firstly, you must call super() within a child class’s constructor. This makes sense because if you don’t there would be no mechanism by which the instance data attributes provided by the parent class could get initialised. Secondly, you can’t use the this keyword before you call super().

Working Around the Lack of an abstract Keyword

Many languages provide a mechanism for parent classes to specify functions all child classes must implement. In such languages, trying to extend a class without implementing the required functions will result in a compiler error. This means programmers can be guaranteed that every child class will provide a given function.

JavaScript simply does not provide this functionality. There is no JavaScript version of Java’s abstract keyword. We can’t even fully fake it. 🙁

The best we can do is work around this shortcoming by implementing a default version of the function in the parent class that always throws an error. If the child class doesn’t override the function the error will get thrown, if the child class does override the function it won’t.

Inheritance and the instanceof Operator

JavaScript’s instanceof operator is aware of inheritance. If class B extends class A, and object b is an instance of class B, then both of the following will evaluate to true:

b instanceof A;
b instanceof B;

A Worked Example — Monetary Amounts Revisited

In this example we’ll expand the suite of classes we built in the previous instalment to represent amounts of money in specific currencies.

As a quick reminder, we chose to model monetary amounts using three interrelated concepts. Amounts of money have a given currency, and a currency has one or two denominations. We represented these three concepts with three classes — MonetaryAmount, Currency, and Denomination.

There were two has-a relationships between those classes — monetary amounts had a currency, and currencies had one or two denominations.

Our Currency class from the previous instalment cannot be used to represent currencies with more than two denominations. If you’re a Harry Potter fan and want to implement Wizarding Money, you’re out of luck because J.K. Rowling’s wizards use Galleons, which divide into Sickles, which divide into Knuts. Similarly, Star Trek fans know the Ferengi use Gold-Pressed Latinum as their currency, and it consists of Bars, which divide into Strips, which divide into Slips.

What we need is another class to represent this other type of currency, but that class would share a lot of code with our existing class.

Inheritance to the rescue!

My process was to re-name my existing Currency class to DecimalCurrency, create a new class for the new type of currency named DenominatedCurrency, and then to create a new parent class for both of these classes named Currency.

The functionality shared by DecimalCurrency and DenominatedCurrency was moved to the new Currency parent class, freeing the two child classes to implement only the things that differentiate them.

This set up two is-a relationships — DecimalCurrency is a Currency, and DenominatedCurrency is a Currency.

As you can see, the code in money.js is long! The intention is not to go through every line of the file in detail, but instead, to focus on a few highlights that serve to illustrate important concepts. I commented the code heavily in the hope that it would make sense by itself.

Note that the code in money.js assumes that three open-source libraries have been loaded before loading money.js:

  1. The is.js type-checking library.
  2. The numeral.js number formatting library.
  3. My open-source humanJoin.js array-joining library.

Finally, note that the Denomination and MonetaryAmount classes are completely un-changed from their implementation in the previous instalment, so we will be entirely focusing our attention on the three currency classes.

Implementing Inheritance — The Design of the 3 Currency Classes

Let’s start with the very big picture — we’ll be implementing the following three classes:

  1. Currency — the parent class for all currency types.
  2. DecimalCurrency — a child class of Currency representing the typical currencies we use in the modern world, usually with 2 denominations (like Sterling with Pounds & Pence, and the US Dollar with Dollars & Cents), but occasionally with just one (like the Japanese Yen).
  3. DenominatedCurrency — a child class of Currency representing currencies with arbitrarily many denominations like those commonly seen in various fictional genres like sci-fi & fantasy.

This simple class hierarchy (one parent, two children) is created with the following class definitions:

class Currency{
  // …

class DecimalCurrency extends Currency{
  // …

class DenominatedCurrency extends Currency{
  // …

Before we go any further, let’s look in detail at the contents of these three classes:

  1. The parent class Currency provides:
    • The shared class function static coerceAmount(amount)
    • The shared class function static amountAsHumanInt(amount)
    • The shared instance attribute name
    • The shared instance attributes imaginary & real
    • The requirement that all child-classes provide an instance data attribute named length (i.e. an abstract instance data attribute)
    • A constructor
    • The default instance function amountAsHumanFloat(amount)
    • The default instance function splitAmount(amount)
    • The requirement that all child-classes provide an instance function amountAsString(amount) (i.e. an abstract instance function)
    • The requirement that all child-classes provide an instance function amountAsHumanString(amount) (i.e. and abstract instance function)
    • The requirement that all child-classes provide an instance function amountAsEnglishString(amount) (i.e. and abstract instance function)
  2. The child class DecimalCurrency Provides:
    • The instance data attribute denomination
    • The instance data attribute subDenomination
    • The instance data attribute subDenominationOrder
    • An implementation of the mandated instance attribute length
    • A constructor which calls the parent class’s constructor
    • A custom version of the instance function amountAsHumanFloat(amount) replacing the default from Currency
    • An implementation of the mandated instance function splitAmount(amount)
    • An implementation of the mandated instance function amountAsString(amount)
    • An implementation of the mandated instance function amountAsHumanString(amount)
    • An implementation of the mandated instance function amountAsEnglishString(amount)
  3. The child class DenominatedCurrency provides:
    • The class function coerceDenominationRate(rate)
    • The class function coerceDenominationRateList(list)
    • The instance data attributes denominations, denomination, denominationList & rateList
    • An implementation of the mandated instance attribute length
    • A constructor which calls the parent class’s constructor
    • A custom version of the instance function amountAsHumanFloat(amount) replacing the default from Currency (calls the version from the parent class using super)
    • An implementation of the mandated instance function splitAmount(amount)
    • An implementation of the mandated instance function amountAsString(amount)
    • An implementation of the mandated instance function amountAsHumanString(amount)
    • An implementation of the mandated instance function amountAsEnglishString(amount)

Inheritance in Action

Before we peep under the hood, let’s demonstrate the three goals of inheritance in action.

All the examples in this section are intended to be run from the JavaScript console on the file pbs99.html, and you should not refresh the page between the examples.

Let’s start by creating instances of all three classes:

const uselessCurrency = new Currency({
  name: 'Useless Currency',
  imaginary: true
const sterling = new DecimalCurrency({
  name: 'Sterling',
  imaginary: false,
  denomination: new Denomination('£', 'Pound'),
  subDenomination: new Denomination('p', 'Penny', 'Pence')
const wizardingMoney = new DenominatedCurrency({
  name: "Wizarding Money",
  imaginary: true,
  denominations: [
    new Denomination('G', 'Galleon'),
    17, new Denomination('S', 'Sickle'),
    29, new Denomination('K', 'Knut')

1. Shared Functionality

The class Currency defines a class function coerceAmount(amount) and this function is not redefined in either of the child classes.

As expected, it continues to work when called on the parent class:

console.log(Currency.coerceAmount("42")); // 42
console.log(Currency.coerceAmount("boogers")); // throws TypeError

Thanks to inheritance, both child classes got a copy of this function automatically:

console.log(DecimalCurrency.coerceAmount("42")); // 42
console.log(DecimalCurrency.coerceAmount("boogers")); // throws TypeError
console.log(DenominatedCurrency.coerceAmount("42")); // 42
console.log(DenominatedCurrency.coerceAmount("boogers")); // throws TypeError

The class Currency defines a getter and setter for the instance data attribute name, and these getters and setters are not re-defined in either child class. Again, the attribute exists on instances of the parent class as expected, but also on instances of the child classes:

console.log(uselessCurrency.name); // Useless Currency
console.log(sterling.name); // Sterling
console.log(wizardingMoney.name); // Wizarding Money

2. Default Implementations

The parent class Currency provides a default implementation of the instance function .amountAsHumanFloat():

class Currency{
  // …
    amount = this.constructor.coerceAmount(amount); // could throw error
    return numeral(amount).format('0,0[.]00');
  // …

This default implementation returns the amount as a string with thousand separators, no decimal places for whole numbers, and two decimal places for floating point numbers. We can see this in action from the JavaScript console:

console.log(uselessCurrency.amountAsHumanFloat(1234)); // 1,234
console.log(uselessCurrency.amountAsHumanFloat(1234.567)); // 1,234.57

The class DecimalCurrency overrides this instance function with a version that alters the number of decimal places as appropriate for the currency:

class DecimalCurrency extends Currency{
  // …
    amount = this.constructor.coerceAmount(amount); // could throw error
    // short-circuit the case where there is no secondary denomination
    // call the parent class's default function
    if(this.subDenominationOrder === 0){
      return super.amountAsHumanInt(amount);
    // build a format string with the appropriate number of decimal places
    const formatString = `0,0[.]${'0'.repeat(this.subDenominationOrder)}`;
    // format and return
    return numeral(amount).format(formatString);
  // …

We can see this function in action if we call it on a decimal currency with three decimal places:

const jordanianDinar = new DecimalCurrency({
  name: 'Jordanian Dinar',
  denomination: new Denomination('ع.د', 'Dinar'),
  subDenomination: new Denomination('د.إ', 'Fils', 'Fulūs'),
  subDenominationOrder: 3
console.log(jordanianDinar.amountAsHumanFloat(1234.5678)); // 1,234.568

The DenominatedCurrency class also overrides the default .amountAsHumanFloat() instance function, so what purpose does it serve?

The obvious first answer is that just because two sub-classes choose to override a default does not mean a third, fourth, or one millions sub-class won’t!

But, there is a more nuanced answers — notice that the version of the function defined in the DecimalCurrency class calls the default version provided by the parent class in the special case where the amount is an integer. It does so using the super keyword. The same is true of the implementation of this function in the DenominatedCurrency class too by the way.

3. Requirements Child Classes Must Meet

For our currency classes to behave in a predictable way, we want all child classes to provide the following:

  1. A read-only instance data attribute .length representing the number of denominations making up the currency.
  2. The instance functions .amountAsString(), .amountAsHumanString() & .amountAsEnglishString()

Remember that unlike many other languages, JavaScript doesn’t have a mechanism for specifying attributes or functions all child classes must provide, so the best we can do is a commonly accepted work-around — implement the attribute or function in the parent class so that it always throws an error complaining that it was not implemented in the child class.

We can see this approach with the read-only .length property:

class Currency{
  // …
   * The number of denominations making up the currency. Each child class
   * must implement a getter for this property.
   * @abstract
   * @type {number}
  get length(){
    throw new Error('abstract instance data attribute .length not implemented by child class');
   * @throws {Error}
  set length(l){
    throw new Error('read-only attribute');
  // …

Note that if this was a regular read/write instance data attribute the error thrown in the setter would be the same as that thrown in the getter.

We can see this approach in action if we try to implement a child class without its own length getter:

// define a child class that does not implement any of the required
// 'abstract' data attributes or functions
class BadCurrency extends Currency{

// try to use the abstract .length property
const naughtyMoney = new BadCurrency();
console.log(naughtyMoney.length); // throws error

The instance functions that child classes must implement are similarly constructed, here’s one example:

class Currency{
  // …
   * All child classes must override this function to render an amount as a
   * string.
   * @abstract
   * @param {number} amount
   * @return {string} E.g. '$12.34' and '-$12.34'
   * @throws {Error}
    throw new Error('abstract instance function .amountAsString() not implemented by child class');
  // …

Again, we can see this in action in the JavaScript console:

console.log(naughtyMoney.amountAsString(42)); // throws error

The Constructors

Remember the two rules when it comes to super() in child class constructors:

  1. You must call super()
  2. You cannot use this before you call super()

When you use a dictionary to contain all your constructor arguments you usually simply call super() on the first line of the constructor and pass it the one dictionary argument. Once that’s done you initialise the instance data attributes that are unique to the subclass, knowing the parent class’s constructor has taken care of the rest. The constructor in the DecimalCurrency class follows this model:

class DecimalCurrency extends Currency{
  // …
    // call the parent class's constructor
    // deal with data attributes unique to this child class
      details = {};
      this.denomination = new Denomination('$', 'Dollar');
      this.denomination = details.denomination;
    // …
  // …

You are free to construct alternative arguments for the parent class’s constructor before calling super(), just so long as you don’t use the this keyword in the process.

You can see an example of this in the constructor for the DenominatedCurrency class:

class DenominatedCurrency extends Currency{
  // …
      details = {};
    // default the name and imaginary status before calling the parent constructor
      details.name = "Buttons";
        details.imaginary = true;
    // call the parent class's constructor
    // deal with data attributes unique to this child class
      this.denominations = [new Denomination('B', 'Button')];
      this.denominations = details.denominations;
  // …

Inheritance, instanceof Operator & Polymorphism

At the top of the worked example I mentioned that the code for the Denomination and MonetaryAmount classes were unchanged since the previous instalment. That means that MonetaryAmount is expecting to work with instances of the class Currency, can it use instances of DecimalCurrency or DenominatedCurrency?

Let’s find out!

We’ll start by creating new instances of each of the two classes:

const renminbi = new DecimalCurrency({
  name: "People's Renminbi",
  denomination: new Denomination('', 'Yuán', 'Yuán'),
  subDenomination: new Denomination('', 'Fēn', 'Fēn')
const latinum = new DenominatedCurrency({
  name: 'Gold Pressed Latinum',
  imaginary: true,
  denominations: [
    new Denomination('B', 'Bar'),
    20, new Denomination('S', 'Strip'),
    100, new Denomination('s', 'slip')

Now let’s try make some monetary amounts with these instances:

const infrastructureLoan = new MonetaryAmount(42_000_000, renminbi);
console.log(`We just got a loan of ${infrastructureLoan.asHumanString()}!`);
// logs: We just got a loan of 元42,000,000!

const quarksTab = new MonetaryAmount(42.7, latinum);
console.log(`My bar tab at Quark's is now ${quarksTab.asEnglishString()}!`);
// logs: My bar tab at Quark's is now 42 Bars & 14 Strips!

Why does this work?

Looking at the setter for the .currency instance data attribute in the MonetaryAmount class we can see the instanceof operator being used to test whether or not the currency is an instance of Currency:

class MonetaryAmount{
  // …
  set currency(c){
    if(!(c instanceof Currency)){
      throw new TypeError('currency must be an instance of the class Currency');
    this._currency = c;
  // …

That implies that the instancecof operator considers both the infrastructureLoan and quarksTab objects to be instances of Currency.

This brings us to one of the most important concepts in OO — instances of a child class are also considered to be instances of their parent class.

We can prove this for ourselves:

function showInstanceOf(c){
  console.log(`* is Currency? ${c instanceof Currency ? 'YES' : 'no'}`);
  console.log(`* is DecimalCurrency? ${c instanceof DecimalCurrency ? 'YES' : 'no'}`);
  console.log(`* is DenominatedCurrency? ${c instanceof DenominatedCurrency ? 'YES' : 'no'}`);

// People's Renminbi:
// * is Currency? YES
// * is DecimalCurrency? YES
// * is DenominatedCurrency? no

Gold Pressed Latinum:
* is Currency? YES
* is DecimalCurrency? no
* is DenominatedCurrency? YES

So, we can say that the Renminbi is a decimal currency, and it is also a currency, hence the is-a relationship between the DecimalCurrency and Currency classes.

The important take-away is that instances of child classes can be used anywhere instances of the parent class can be used. In this example, the MonetaryAmount class can work with many (poly) forms (morph) of currency, hence the often confusing piece of programming jargon polymorphism.

When programmers talk about polymorphism they’re simply referring to the fact that instances of child classes can be used anywhere instances of their parent class can be used!

Final Thoughts

I hope you can now appreciate just how powerful inheritance is, and why it’s so central to object oriented design. By combining classes together using is-a and has-a relationships you can model just about any concept or thing in your code. Designing those collections of related classes is what object oriented programming is all about.

We’ve now reached a very important milestone in this series. Not only have we finished our series-within-a-series on Object Oriented programming in JavaScript, we’ve finished learning new concepts in this first pass at the JavaScript language. That doesn’t mean we won’t be seeing any more JavaScript though, we just won’t be learning any new JavaScript syntax for the foreseeable future.

In fact, the next instalment will be entirely dedicated to JavaScript because it will be built around my sample solution to the challenge set at the end of instalment 96.

Instalment 101 will see us take a break from programming itself so we can focus on some of the tools developers have at their disposal for managing coding projects. We’ll be paying particular attention to the distributed version control system Git, and the free Git service offered by Microsoft at GitHub.com.

Once we’ve learned the basics of Git and GitHub we’ll shift our focus from the web browser to the web server, and we’ll use that as an opportunity to meet a new language — PHP.

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