PBS 30 of X: Comparing JS Objects | Introducing WAI-ARIA
In this instalment we’re going to continue with our dual-track approach, first looking at some more JavaScript prototypes, then switching tack to HTML forms again.
We’ll start with my sample solution to the challenge set in the previous instalment. Then, we’ll move on to add an important enhancement to our prototypes – support for object comparisons. Strictly speaking, this won’t actually be a revision – we haven’t looked at the intricacies of comparing objects before.
We’ll finish our JavaScript section with another challenge.
When we switch back to HTML we’ll take a big picture look at an important accessibility standard named WAI-ARIA. We want to build our forms in a screen-reader-friendly way from day one, and to do that, we need to begin learning about ARIA. ARIA is really quite big. So all we’ll be doing this time is taking in an overview so we understand why it exists and the basic concepts that it’s built around.
We’ll finish by creating a final, fully accessible, button complete with a pretty scalable icon.
In the next instalment we’ll finally be ready to move on to some more different form inputs, specifically checkboxes and radio buttons.
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Solution to PBS 29 Challenge
// init name space
var pbs = pbs ? pbs : {};
// define all prototypes within an anonymous self executing function
(function(pbs, undefined){
// ==== Define Needed Helper Functions ===
// A function for validating integer inputs
function isValidInteger(v, lbound, ubound){
// first and foremost, make sure we have an integer
return false;
// if a lower bound was passed, check it
if(typeof lbound === 'number' && v < lbound){
return false;
// if an upper bound was passed, check it
if(typeof ubound === 'number' && v > ubound){
return false;
// if we got here all is well
return true;
// a data structure to help validate days of the month
var daysInMonthLookup = {};
daysInMonthLookup[1] = 31;
daysInMonthLookup[2] = 28;
daysInMonthLookup[3] = 31;
daysInMonthLookup[4] = 30;
daysInMonthLookup[5] = 31;
daysInMonthLookup[6] = 30;
daysInMonthLookup[7] = 31;
daysInMonthLookup[8] = 31;
daysInMonthLookup[9] = 30;
daysInMonthLookup[10] = 31;
daysInMonthLookup[11] = 30;
daysInMonthLookup[12] = 31;
// helper function to validate a given combination of day, month, and year
function isValidateDMYCombo(d, m, y){
// figure out how many days are allowed in the curreny month
var numDaysInMonth = daysInMonthLookup[m];
if(m === 2){
// the month is February, so check for a leap year (assume not)
var isLeapYear = false;
if(y % 4 === 0){
// year is divisible by 4, so might be a leap year
if(y % 100 === 0){
// a century, so not a leap year unless divisible by 400
if(y % 400 === 0){
isLeapYear = true;
// divisible by four and not a century, so a leap year
isLeapYear = true;
// if we are a leap year, change the days to 29
numDaysInMonth = 29;
// return based on wheather or not the days are valid
return d <= numDaysInMonth ? true : false;
// helper function to convert integers to zero-padded strings
function intToPaddedString(i, len){
// take note of whethere or not the original number was negative
var isNegative = i < 0 ? true : false;
// convert the absolute value of the number to a string
var ans = String(Math.abs(i));
// add any needed padding if a sane length was provided
if(typeof len === 'number' && len > 0){
while(ans.length < len){
ans = '0' + ans;
// pre-fix the minus sign if needed
ans = '-' + ans;
return ans;
// a helper function to get the two-letter ordinal suffix for any integer
function toOrdinalString(n){
if(n === 1){
return 'st';
if(n === 2){
return 'nd';
if(n === 3){
return 'rd';
return 'th';
// a lookup table to convert month numbers into English names
var monthNameLookup = {};
monthNameLookup[1] = 'January';
monthNameLookup[2] = 'February';
monthNameLookup[3] = 'March';
monthNameLookup[4] = 'April';
monthNameLookup[5] = 'May';
monthNameLookup[6] = 'June';
monthNameLookup[7] = 'July';
monthNameLookup[8] = 'August';
monthNameLookup[9] = 'September';
monthNameLookup[10] = 'October';
monthNameLookup[11] = 'November';
monthNameLookup[12] = 'December';
// === Define Time protoype (Part 1) ===
// the constructor
pbs.Time = function(h, m, s){
// init data with default values
this._hours = 0;
this._minutes = 0;
this._seconds = 0;
// process any args that were passed
if(typeof h !== 'undefined'){
if(typeof m !== 'undefined'){
if(typeof s !== 'undefined'){
// the accessor methods
pbs.Time.prototype.hours = function(h){
if(arguments.length === 0){
return this._hours;
if(!isValidInteger(h, 0, 23)){
throw new TypeError('the hours value must be an integer between 0 and 23 inclusive');
this._hours = h;
return this;
pbs.Time.prototype.minutes = function(m){
if(arguments.length === 0){
return this._minutes;
if(!isValidInteger(m, 0, 59)){
throw new TypeError('the minutes value must be an integer between 0 and 59 inclusive');
this._minutes = m;
return this;
pbs.Time.prototype.seconds = function(s){
if(arguments.length === 0){
return this._seconds;
if(!isValidInteger(s, 0, 59)){
throw new TypeError('the seconds value must be an integer between 0 and 59 inclusive');
this._seconds = s;
return this;
// add functions
pbs.Time.prototype.time12 = function(){
var ans = '';
if(this._hours === 0){
ans += '12';
}else if(this._hours <= 12){
ans += this._hours;
ans += (this._hours - 12);
ans += ':' + intToPaddedString(this._minutes, 2) + ':' + intToPaddedString(this._seconds, 2);
ans += this._hours < 12 ? 'AM' : 'PM';
return ans;
pbs.Time.prototype.time24 = function(){
return '' + intToPaddedString(this._hours, 2) + ':' + intToPaddedString(this._minutes, 2) + ':' + intToPaddedString(this._seconds, 2);
// define a toString function
pbs.Time.prototype.toString = pbs.Time.prototype.time24;
// define a clone function
pbs.Time.prototype.clone = function(){
return new pbs.Time(this._hours, this._minutes, this._seconds);
// === Define Date protoype (Part 2) ===
// the constructor
pbs.Date = function(d, m, y){
// init data with default values
this._day = 1;
this._month = 1;
this._year = 1970;
// deal with any passed args
if(typeof d !== 'undefined'){
if(typeof m !== 'undefined'){
if(typeof y !== 'undefined'){
// the accessor methods
pbs.Date.prototype.day = function(d){
if(arguments.length === 0){
return this._day;
if(!isValidInteger(d, 1, 31)){
throw new TypeError('the day must be an integer between 1 and 31 inclusive');
d = parseInt(d); // force to number if string of digits
if(!isValidateDMYCombo(d, this._month, this._year)){
throw new Error('invalid day, month, year combination');
this._day = d;
return this;
pbs.Date.prototype.month = function(m){
if(arguments.length === 0){
return this._month;
if(!isValidInteger(m, 1, 12)){
throw new TypeError('the month must be an integer between 1 and 12 inclusive');
m = parseInt(m); // force to number if string of digits
if(!isValidateDMYCombo(this._day, m, this._year)){
throw new Error('invalid day, month, year combination');
this._month = m;
return this;
pbs.Date.prototype.year = function(y){
if(arguments.length === 0){
return this._year;
if(!isValidInteger(y)){ // no bounds check on the year
throw new TypeError('the year must be an integer');
y = parseInt(y); // force to number if string of digits
if(!isValidateDMYCombo(this._day, this._month, y)){
throw new Error('invalid day, month, year combination');
this._year = y;
return this;
// define needed functions
pbs.Date.prototype.international = function(y, m, d){
if(arguments.length === 0){
// we are in 'get' mode
return intToPaddedString(this._year, 4) + '-' + intToPaddedString(this._month, 2) + '-' + intToPaddedString(this._day, 2);
// if we got here we are in 'set' mode
// validate the three pieces of data
if(!(isValidInteger(d, 1, 31) && isValidInteger(m, 1, 12) && isValidInteger(y))){
throw new TypeError('invalid date information - must be three integers');
// force the three pieces of data to be numbers and not strings
d = parseInt(d);
m = parseInt(m);
y = parseInt(y);
// test the combination is valid
if(!isValidateDMYCombo(d, m, y)){
throw new Error('invalid day, month, year combination');
// set the three pieces of data
this._day = d;
this._month = m;
this._year = y;
// return a refernce to self
return this;
pbs.Date.prototype.american = function(m, d, y){
if(arguments.length === 0){
// we are in 'get' mode
var ans = '';
ans += this._month + '/' + this._day + '/';
if(this._year <= 0){
ans += (Math.abs(this._year - 1)) + 'BC';
ans += this._year;
return ans;
// if we got here we are in 'set' mode
return this.international(y, m, d); // avoid needless duplication
pbs.Date.prototype.european = function(d, m, y){
if(arguments.length === 0){
// we are in 'get' mode
var ans = '';
ans += intToPaddedString(this._day, 2) + '-' + intToPaddedString(this._month, 2) + '-';
if(this._year <= 0){
ans += Math.abs(this._year - 1) + 'BCE';
ans += this._year;
return ans;
// if we got here we are in 'set' mode
return this.international(y, m, d); // avoid needless duplication
pbs.Date.prototype.english = function(){
var ans = '';
ans += this._day + toOrdinalString(this._day) + ' of ' + monthNameLookup[this._month] + ' ';
if(this._year <= 0){
ans += Math.abs(this._year - 1) + 'BCE';
ans += this._year;
return ans;
// provide a toString
pbs.Date.prototype.toString = pbs.Date.prototype.international;
// define a clone function
pbs.Date.prototype.clone = function(){
return new pbs.Date(this._day, this._month, this._year);
// === Define DateTime protoype (Part 3) ===
// the constructor
pbs.DateTime = function(d, t){
// init data with defaults
this._date = new pbs.Date();
this._time = new pbs.Time();
// deal with any args that were passed
if(typeof d !== 'undefined'){
if(typeof t !== 'undefined'){
// accessor methods
pbs.DateTime.prototype.date = function(d){
if(arguments.length === 0){
return this._date.clone();
if(!(d instanceof pbs.Date)){
throw new TypeError('require an instance of the pbs.Date prototype');
this._date = d.clone();
return this;
pbs.DateTime.prototype.time = function(t){
if(arguments.length === 0){
return this._time.clone();
if(!(t instanceof pbs.Time)){
throw new TypeError('require an instance of the pbs.Time prototype');
this._time = t.clone();
return this;
// define functions
pbs.DateTime.prototype.american12Hour = function(){
return this._date.american() + ' ' + this._time.time12();
pbs.DateTime.prototype.american24Hour = function(){
return this._date.american() + ' ' + this._time.time24();
pbs.DateTime.prototype.european12Hour = function(){
return this._date.european() + ' ' + this._time.time12();
pbs.DateTime.prototype.european24Hour = function(){
return this._date.european() + ' ' + this._time.time24();
// provide a toString
pbs.DateTime.prototype.toString = function(){
return this._date.toString() + ' ' + this._time.toString();
// define a clone function
pbs.DateTime.prototype.clone = function(){
return new pbs.DateTime(this._date, this._time);
// === Test Code ===
// instalment 27 part 1 tests
var lunchTime = new pbs.Time();
var dinnerTime = new pbs.Time(17, 30);
console.log("I have my lunch at " + lunchTime.time24() + " each day");
console.log("I have my dinner at " + dinnerTime.time12() + " each evening");
// instalment 27 part 2 tests
var nextAprilFools = new pbs.Date();
console.log("In America the next April Fools Day is " + nextAprilFools.american());
console.log("In Europe the next April Fools Day is " + nextAprilFools.european());
// instalment 27 part 3 tests
var gonnaPrankBart = new pbs.DateTime(new pbs.Date(1, 4, 2017), new pbs.Time(15));
console.log('Gonna prank Bart good on ' + gonnaPrankBart.european24Hour() + ' his time');
// instalment 28 part 2 tests
var testDate = new pbs.Date(1, 1, 1970);
testDate.european(29, 2, 2016);
console.log('successfully converted 1 Jan 1970 to ' + testDate.toString());
// instalment 28 part 3 tests
var nextXMas = new pbs.Date();
nextXMas.international(2017, 12, 25);
console.log("I'm looking forward to getting presents on the " + nextXMas.english());
// instalment 29 tests
var d = new pbs.Date(17, 3, 2017);
var t = new pbs.Time(11, 0);
var dt = new pbs.DateTime(d, t);
console.log('d=' + d + ', t=' + t + ' & dt=' + dt);
console.log('d=' + d + ', t=' + t + ' & dt=' + dt);
var t2 = dt.time();
console.log('t=' + t + ', t2=' + t2 + ' & dt=' + dt);
Comparing Objects
At this stage our prototypes are free of glaring problems, but they are still missing an important chunk of functionality – they lack support for comparisons.
The JavaScript language provides useful comparison operators for values like numbers, strings, and booleans, but not for objects. When dealing with objects, the ==
and ===
operators only tell us whether or not two variables contain references to the same object. The following code illustrates this:
var t1 = new pbs.Time(12, 0);
var t2 = new pbs.Time(12, 0);
console.log(t1 == t2); // false
console.log(t1 === t2); // false
var t3 = t1;
console.log(t1 == t3); // true
console.log(t1 === t3); // true
and t2
contain references to two different objects that contain the same values, while t1
and t3
are references to the same object.
The core JavaScript language does not provide any mechanism for meaningful object comparisons – if you want instances of your prototypes to be comparable to each other, it’s entirely up to you to provide that functionality.
Not only does JavaScript not provide you with a mechanism for object comparison, there is not even an agreed standard approach to this problem. The closest we can come to any kind of right way of doing this is to follow some community conventions.
Basically, what many people choose to do in JavaScript is to follow Java’s comparison rules (Java does not rely on conventions. There is a formally defined correct way of making Java objects comparable). That is to say, many JavaScript programmers choose to add two comparison functions to each of their prototypes – .equals()
, and .compareTo()
The first of these, .equals()
should take one argument, return true
if that argument is a reference to an object that should be considered to have the same value as the object the function was called on, and return false
in all other situations.
Let’s add a .equals()
function to the pbs.Time
pbs.Time.prototype.equals = function(obj){
if(typeof obj !== 'object'){
return false;
if(! obj instanceof pbs.Time){
return false;
return obj._hours === this._hours && obj._minutes === this._minutes && obj._seconds === this._seconds;
We can test our new .equals()
function with the following code:
var t1 = new pbs.Time(12, 0);
var t2 = new pbs.Time(12, 0);
console.log(t1.equals(t2)); // true
console.log(t2.equals(t1)); // true
var t3 = t1;
console.log(t1.equals(t3)); // true
var t4 = new pbs.Time(11, 30);
console.log(t3.equals(t4)); // false
console.log(t4.equals(t3)); // false
Notice the symmetry – t1.equals(t2)
gives the same result as t2.equals(t1)
. This should always be the case with a properly implemented .equals()
The second comparison function, .compareTo()
, is a little more complex, but not much. Like .equals()
, it expects one argument, but rather than simply testing for equality, it tests for ordering, and returns -1
if the object passed should be considered less than the object the function was called on, 0
if they should be considered equal, 1
if the value passed should be considered greater than the object the function was called on, or NaN
if the passed value is invalid in some way.
Let’s add a .compareTo()
function to our pbs.Time
pbs.Time.prototype.compareTo = function(obj){
// make sure we have a valid object to test
if(!(typeof obj === 'object' && obj instanceof pbs.Time)){
return NaN;
// check if the hours are different
if(this._hours < obj._hours){
return -1;
if(this._hours > obj._hours){
return 1;
// if we got here, the hours are the same, so check the minutes
if(this._minutes < obj._minutes){
return -1;
if(this._minutes > obj._minutes){
return 1;
// if we got here, the hours and minutes are the same, so check the seconds
if(this._seconds < obj._seconds){
return -1;
if(this._seconds > obj._seconds){
return 1;
// if we got here the two times are equal, so return 0
return 0;
We can test our .compareTo()
function with the following code:
var t1 = new pbs.Time(12, 0);
var t2 = new pbs.Time(12, 0);
console.log(t1.compareTo(t2)); // 0
console.log(t2.compareTo(t1)); // 0
var t3 = new pbs.Time(11, 0);
console.log(t1.compareTo(t3)); // 1
console.log(t3.compareTo(t1)); // -1
var t4 = new pbs.Time(12, 0, 1);
console.log(t1.compareTo(t4)); // -1
console.log(t4.compareTo(t1)); // 1
Again, there should be symmetry in the outputs, if t1.compareTo(t2)
returns 0
, then t2.compareTo(t1)
should also return 0
. Furthermore, if t1.compareTo(t2)
returns -1
, then t2.compareTo(t1)
should return 1
, and vica-versa.
Updated JavaScript Prototype Algorithm
Given all we have learned over the past few instalments, we need to update our original six-step process for creating prototypes to the following eight-step process:
- Gather your requirements, specifically, what data do your objects need to store, and what functions need to be provided.
- Initialise your namespace and start a self-executing anonymous function within which you’ll define your prototype.
- Write your constructor. In general, your constructor should accept initial values for all your object’s pieces of data. If none are provided, a sane default should be used. You should validate all data from the user and throw an exception if it’s not usable.
- Write your accessor methods – one for each piece of data your objects need to store. When called with no arguments, the accessor methods should get the current value. When called with an argument, they should set the value. Again, when setting, validate the data and throw an exception if the passed value is unusable.
- Write the functions you need to provide.
- Provide a
function. - Provide a
function. - Provide comparison functions (
Add .equals()
and .compareTo()
functions to all three prototypes. You can make use of the .equals()
and .compareTo()
functions in pbs.Date
and pbs.Time
to avoid code duplication in pbs.DateTime
Finally, because our prototypes are all time-related, implement two additional functions in each prototype named .isBefore()
and .isAfter()
. You can make use of the prototypes’ .compareTo()
functions to do most of the work within these new functions.
You can test all of your comparison operators with the following code:
var dt1 = new pbs.DateTime(new pbs.Date(4, 7, 2017), new pbs.Time(12));
var dt2 = new pbs.DateTime(new pbs.Date().day(4).month(7).year(2017), new pbs.Time(12));
console.log(dt1.equals(dt2)); // true
console.log(dt2.equals(dt1)); // true
console.log(dt1.compareTo(dt2)); // 0
console.log(dt1.isBefore(dt2)); // false
console.log(dt1.isAfter(dt2)); // false
var dt3 = new pbs.DateTime(dt1.date(), new pbs.Time(11));
console.log(dt3.equals(dt1)); // false
console.log(dt3.compareTo(dt1)); // -1
console.log(dt3.isBefore(dt1)); // true
console.log(dt3.isAfter(dt1)); // false
var dt4 = new pbs.DateTime(dt1.date(), new pbs.Time(12, 15));
console.log(dt4.equals(dt1)); // false
console.log(dt4.compareTo(dt1)); // 1
console.log(dt4.isBefore(dt1)); // false
console.log(dt4.isAfter(dt1)); // true
Making Web Forms Accessible
Let’s leave JavaScript Prototypes behind and switch context back to HTML forms.
It’s been my aim in this series to skip over all the mistakes made in earlier versions of HTML, and to start by doing things the right way. That’s why I want to make the forms we create accessible from the start, and to that end, we should look at the relevant web standard – WAI-ARIA.
A Big Picture Introduction to WAI-ARIA
ARIA is big, very big. It would take us months to go through it all in any kind of detail. So, what we’ll do is start with a very high-level overview, and then learn the specifics in small bite-sized pieces as and when we need them.
The Problem to be Solved
Let’s start with the problem to be solved. Historically, web pages were very simple things. If developers remembered to do a few little things like add alt
attributes to <img>
tags, screen readers and other assistive devices would have no problem helping the visually impaired surf the web. However, things have changed – modern web sites are often interactive. In fact, many modern sites would be much more accurately described as web-based apps. JavaScript and CSS have turned what was once mostly just text into a collection of complex interactive user interfaces. Assistive technologies need some help to deal with this new reality.
WAI-ARIA 1.0 to the Rescue
This is where the Web Accessibility Initiative, or WAI, comes in. The WAI are an industry group under the World Wide Web Consortium (AKA the WC3) with high-profile members like Adobe, HP, and IBM. They work on standards for making the web accessible.
In 2014 WAI finalised the first version of the W3C recommendation on Accessible Rich Internet Applications, or WAI-ARIA. This is still the most recent finalised versions of ARIA. To save our sanity, from now on in this series, we’ll refer to version 1.0 of WAI-ARIA as simply ARIA.
Three Main Components of ARIA
Like I said, ARIA is very big, but, if you zoom out far enough, you can break it into three broad topic areas:
- ARIA Roles
- ARIA States & Properties
- Keyboard Navigation
These concepts are quite abstract, but in practice, the actual code tends to be very human-friendly. Thankfully, most things in ARIA are well named, so I think most people will find them quite intuitive.
The most important concept is that of ARIA roles. The basic idea is that, no matter what HTML tags you use, a page or web app consists of widgets that do certain things. You should use the role
attribute to tell assistive technologies what role different HTML elements play on your web page/web app.
For example, you might have a div
that contains an h1
, an h2
, and an image that together form your site’s banner. To make that fact clear to assistive devices, you should add a role
attribute to the <div>
tag with the value banner
<div role="banner">
<h1>Bart's Widgets</h1>
<h2>The Best Widgets on the Web by a Country Mile!</h2>
<img src="logo.png" alt="Bart's Wights Corporate Logo" />
The specification defines a lot of different possible roles, and they get quite granular. A very common example of a more granular role is that of button
. For aesthetic reasons, some websites like to use images with JavaScript click handlers as buttons. Before ARIA this would totally flummox assistive technologies. Now, with ARIA roles, you simply add a role
attribute with the value button
to the <img>
tag. Then assistive technologies know they should treat the image as if it were a button.
ARIA roles don’t only exist on elements with explicit role
attributes. They also exist implicitly for HTML tags for which they make sense.
For example, the top-level <header>
tag on any page gets the implicit ARIA role banner
. Unsurprisingly, <button>
tags get the implicit ARIA role button
Elements on a page that have an ARIA role, be that an explicit role defined with a role
attribute or an implicit role based on the tag name, can define ARIA states and properties. From a practical point of view, there’s basically no difference between a state and a property. They’re both defined by adding attributes to html elements whose names start with aria-
. The difference is so subtle that the official spec says:
Because the distinction between states and properties is of little consequence to most web content authors, this specification refers to both “states” and “properties” simply as “attributes” whenever possible.
Different roles support different states and properties, but some states and properties are globally applicable to all elements on a page.
An example of a global property is aria-hidden
, which can be used to tell assistive technologies to completely ignore an element.
An example of a role-dependent state is aria-disabled
, which only makes sense on things with roles like button
, which can be disabled.
Finally, the ARIA spec says that everything clickable must be focusable with the keyboard. In practical terms that basically means you sometimes have to use the tabindex
attribute when you assign an explicit ARIA role to things. For example, if you use an image as a button, you should add two additional attributes to the <img>
tag, role="button"
, and something like tabindex="0"
Properly Accessible Buttons with Glyph Icons
Let’s finish this instalment by getting back to some specifics. In the previous instalment we learned how to use glyph icon sets like Font Awesome to add icons to buttons. Our code looked something like:
<button type="submit">
<span class="fa fa-save"></span>
Visually, buttons of this form work fine, but for assistive technologies, they contain some potentially confusing additional information – that empty <span>
tag. This serves no purpose other than visual ornamentation. As such, we should hide it from assistive technologies by applying the aria-hidden
property to it like so:
<button type="submit">
<span class="fa fa-save" aria-hidden="true"></span>
Final Thoughts
At this stage we’ve nearly finished our second look at JavaScript prototypes. There is just one more object-related concept we need to look at next time – static functions. This is a technical term you may have encountered in the documentation for the various JavaScript APIs we have used, but it’s one we’ve neither defined nor explained in this series to date. It’s about time we rectified that oversight.
Now that we’ve been introduced to WAI-ARIA, we’re ready to start learning about more types of form elements. In the next instalment we’ll look at two new types – checkboxes and radio buttons. We’ll learn how to use them so they are compatible with accessibility tools like screen readers.